Electronic Practice

This menu provides information for registered social workers (RSWs) in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) engaged in the practice of social work using electronic technologies.  


Electronic social work servicesis defined by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Model Regulatory Standards for Technology and Social Work Practice as the use of computers (including the Internet, social media, online chat, text, and email) and other electronic means (such as smartphones, landline telephones, and video technology) to (a) provide information to the public, (b) deliver social work services to clients, (c) communicate with clients, (d) manage confidential information and case records, (e) store and access information about clients, and (f) arrange payment for professional services. 

Additional Responsibilities

RSWs in NL providing electronic social work services to clients located in another jurisdiction have additional responsibilities including:  

  • Knowing the registration requirements governing social work practice in the jurisdiction where the client resides. Further information can be obtained by contacting the appropriate regulatory body. 
    Canadian Social Work Regulatory Bodies
  • Being aware of local resources to assist clients and integrating this into the informed consent process. 
  • Ensuring one’s professional liability insurance policy provides adequate coverage for the practice and the jurisdiction in which practice is being provided.  BMS Liability Insurance Program: Available exclusively to members of the CASW, including NLCSW registrants.
Additional Resources

NLCSW’s resource menu has a section dedicated to electronic practice: 
Electronic Practice Resources

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