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Discipline Findings (INACTIVE)
Linda Saunders Registration No. 3154
An Adjudication Tribunal of the Newfoundland and Labrador College of Social Workers (NLCSW) in a decision dated February 14, 2022, found Ms. Linda Saunders, (Registration #3154), guilty of conduct deserving of sanction pursuant to the Social Workers Act (2010).
Specifically, not demonstrating sound clinical judgment where there was an indication of high risk or an understanding of her role and responsibility as a social worker as she relied on others to complete appropriate follow up. These events occurred during the period of April – May, 2020 while Ms. Saunders practiced social worker in Labrador.
The Tribunal heard and accepted a joint submission on sanction and ordered a reprimand for a period of twelve (12) months, registration to practice suspended for twenty (20) days following return to practice, completion of an education course, weekly supervision sessions for twelve (12) months after returning to practice, restriction from providing field instruction or being responsible for the supervision of social work students for twelve (12) months, restriction from engaging in private practice of social work for twelve (12) months, and contribution to the costs associated with the hearing in the amount of twenty five hundred and twenty dollars ($2520.00).
Kimberly Russell Registration No. 3299
In the matter of a Complaint against Kimberly Russell, Registration # 3299, and a hearing of the Complaint pursuant to Section 23 (c) of the Social Workers Act (2010); an Adjudication Tribunal of the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Social Workers (NLASW) in a decision dated May 28, 2018, found Ms. Russell guilty of conduct deserving of sanction, specifically: unprofessional conduct, by disclosing personal details of her health status to the client, identifying her relationship with her client as primarily one of a “buddy”, taking the client to her house, yelling at pedestrians while driving around with the client, sending inappropriate voicemail and text messages, and continuing to contact the client after being advised not to do so. The conduct deserving of sanction occurred during the period of March to November 2016 while Ms. Russell was employed in St. John’s NL. The Tribunal heard and accepted a joint submission on sanction, and pursuant to Section 31 (2) of the Act, ordered a reprimand for a period of twelve (12) months; medical clearance provided before returning to social work practice; social work supervision upon her return to social work practice for a minimum of twelve (12) months; successful completion of one (1) education course, as recommended by the Association; restriction from being a field instructor, or being responsible for the supervision of social work students for a period of twelve (12) months; restriction from engaging in private practice of social work for a period of twelve (12) months; and that Ms. Russell contribute to the costs associated with the professional conduct review process to a maximum of thirty-five hundred ($3500) dollars.
Stephanie Slayton Registration No. 3028
In the matter of a Complaint against Stephanie Slayton, Registration # 3028, and a hearing of the Complaint pursuant to Section 23 (c) of the Social Workers Act (2010); an Adjudication Tribunal of the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Social Workers (NLASW) in a decision dated February 2, 2018, found Ms. Slayton guilty of conduct deserving of sanction, in particular, conduct unbecoming a social worker for using disparaging and discriminatory comments and digital media referencing two co-workers and for using inappropriate racial comments in the presence of other co-workers. The Tribunal ordered a reprimand be placed on Ms. Slayton’s Association file for one (1) year from the date of the decision of the Adjudication Tribunal; a suspension of registration to practice for a period of sixty (60) days; completion of two (2) education courses, focused on Ethics and Preventing Discrimination and Promoting Diversity; restriction from being a field instructor or from being responsible for the supervision of social work students for a period of twelve (12) months; restriction from engaging in the private practice of social work for a period of twelve (12) months; and contribution to the costs associated with the hearing in the amount of $1,500.
Morley Rice Registration No. 1702
In the matter of a Complaint against Morley Rice, Registration # 1702, and a hearing of the Complaint pursuant to Section 23 (c) of the Social Workers Act (2010); an Adjudication Tribunal of the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Social Workers (NLASW) in a Decision dated December 5, 2016 found Mr. Rice guilty of conduct deserving of sanction pursuant to the Act, in particular, 23 (c) (i) of the Act, professional misconduct by engaging in a personal relationship with a client; by disclosing confidential information; and for failing to complete and document client assessments. The Tribunal ordered that Mr. Rice shall not be permitted to reapply for registration for five (5) years after the date of the written order and the following conditions or restrictions will be imposed on his registration: a program of counseling sessions to be completed before reapplying for registration; a number of courses related to boundaries and ethics to be successfully completed before reapplying for registration; a written reprimand which will remain on his registration file for a further five (5) years to be provided upon his reapplying for registration; supervision for a minimum of two (2) hours weekly for a period of two (2) years will be required upon his return to a social work position; and to pay the expenses of the Association arising out of the hearing to a maximum of $29,000.